Sony HXR-NX5U NXCAM Professional Camcorder
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Item: 298621
Manufacture: Sony
Condition: New
- Extended Warranty Protection Plans
- Batteries & Chargers
- Filters & Filter Kits
- Memory & Digital Media
- Precision Lenses
- Bags & Cases
- Caps & Lens Holders
- Flashes, Lights & Lighting Kits
- Microphones & Light Meters
- Tripods & Monopods
- Lens Cleaning & Care
- Cables, Adapters & Storage Devices
- Screen Protectors & Cleaning Kits
Extended Warranty Protection Plans
Batteries & Chargers
Lithium NP-F550 4 Hour Extended Rechargeable Battery
$129.99 $109.99
Lithium NP-F970 6 Hour Extended Rechargeable Battery
$199.99 $169.99
Lithium NP-F970 8 Hour Extended Rechargeable Battery
$299.99 $269.99
Sony NP-F550 4 Hour Battery
$99.99 $79.99
Sony NP-F750 8 Hour Battery
Filters & Filter Kits
Precision (UV) Ultra Violet Coated Filter (72mm)
$159.95 $109.95
Precision (UV) Ultra Violet Coated Filter (72mm)
$159.95 $142.95
Precision (CPL) Circular Polarized Coated Filter (72mm)
$209.95 $175.95
Precision 3 Piece Coated Filter Kit (72mm)
$249.95 $207.95
Precision 3 Piece Multi Coated Glass Filter Kit (72mm)
$299.95 $257.95
Precision 6 Piece HD Multi Coated Glass Filter Kit (72mm)
$459.95 $327.95
Tiffen UV ( Ultra Violet ) Coated Filter (72mm)
$169.99 $145.99
Tiffen UV Multi Coated Glass Filter (72mm)
$179.99 $155.99
Tiffen CPL ( Circular Polarizer ) Filter (72mm)
$189.99 $165.99
Tiffen 3 Piece Filter Kit (72mm)
$309.99 $255.99
Tiffen 3 Piece Multi Coated Filter Kit (72mm)
$349.99 $295.99
Hoya UV ( Ultra Violet ) Coated Filter (72mm)
$169.99 $147.99
Hoya CPL ( Circular Polarizer ) Filter (72mm)
$179.99 $157.99
Hoya UV ( Ultra Violet ) Multi Coated Glass Filter (72mm)
$189.99 $167.99
Hoya 3 Piece Filter Kit (72mm)
$279.99 $217.99
Hoya 3 Piece Multi Coated Glass Filter Kit (72mm)
$309.99 $269.99
B&W UV Coated Filter (72mm)
$169.99 $147.99
Precision (UV) Standard Filter(72mm)
$59.99 $59.00
B&W UV Multi Coated Glass Filter (72mm)
$189.99 $162.99
B+W CPL ( Circular Polarizer ) Filter (72mm)
$189.99 $162.99
B+ W 3 Piece Digital Filter Kit (72mm)
$319.99 $287.99
B+W 3 Piece Multi Coated Digital Filter Kit (72mm)
$379.99 $317.99
Memory & Digital Media
Precision Lenses
Bags & Cases
Lowepro Flipside 400AW Backpack (Black)
$199.99 $159.99
Lowepro ProTactic 350 AW Camera and Laptop Backpack (Black)
$249.95 $219.95
Naneu Pro Series SLR Bag Extra Large
$289.99 $209.99
Pelican 1510 Carry On Case with Foam Set (Black)
$196.22 $166.22
Pelican 1514 Carry On 1510 Case with Dividers (Desert Tan)
$249.99 $229.00
Caps & Lens Holders
Flashes, Lights & Lighting Kits
Smith-Victor KF2U 2-Light 90W/s Thrifty Location Kit
$469.00 $389.00
Smith-Victor KT1000U 2-Light 1000 Watt With Umbrella Kit
$444.95 $364.95
Smith-Victor KT800U 3-Light 1250W With Umbrellas & Dimmers
$516.95 $436.59
Microphones & Light Meters
Azden SGM-990+I Supercardioid/Omni Shotgun Microphone
$125.00 $115.00
Azden SMX-20 DSLR Stereo Microphone
$159.00 $129.00
Rode NTG-2 Condenser Shotgun Microphone Kit
$399.95 $319.95
Rode Stereo VideoMic Camera-Mounted Stereo Microphone
$349.00 $269.00
Rode Stereo VideoMic Pro
$399.00 $319.00
Rode Stereo VideoMic Pro + Dead Kitten Windshield Bundle
$423.99 $343.99
Rode Stereo VideoMic X
$999.00 $819.00
Rode VideoMic & Micro Boompole Kit
$219.00 $189.00
Rode VideoMic & Micro Boompole Kit with Custom Windbuster
$239.95 $209.95
Rode VideoMic and Custom Windbuster Kit
$197.00 $167.00
Rode VideoMic GO On-Camera Shotgun Microphone
$129.00 $119.00
Rode VideoMic GO On-Camera Shotgun Microphone Kit
$178.95 $148.95
Rode VideoMic Pro Compact Shotgun Mic
$329.00 $249.00
Rode VideoMic Pro Compact Shotgun Microphone
$329.00 $249.00
Rode VideoMic Pro Shotgun Microphone and Windbuster Kit
$264.00 $234.00
Rode VideoMic with Rycote Lyre Suspension System
$199.00 $169.00
Tripods & Monopods
Vanguard Abeo 283AB Tripod With Ballhead
$179.99 $149.99
Vanguard Abeo Plus 283CT Tripod (Legs Only)
$234.99 $154.99
Vanguard Abeo Plus 323CT Tripod
$529.99 $449.99
Vanguard Abeo Plus 324CT Carbon Fiber Tripod
$559.99 $479.99
Vanguard Abeo Plus 364AT Aluminum Tripod
$429.99 $349.99
Vanguard ABEO Pro 284ATB Aluminum Tripod with Ball Head
$449.99 $369.99
Vanguard Alta CA 234AP Aluminum Tripod with Pan/Tilt Head
$179.99 $139.99
Vanguard Alta Pro 253 CB 50 Tripod W/SBH 50 Ballhead
$399.99 $319.99
Vanguard Alta Pro 254CT Carbon Fiber Tripod
$399.99 $319.99
Vanguard Alta Pro 283CGH Carbon Tripod Kit
$399.99 $319.99
Vanguard Alta Pro 283CP Carbon Tripod
$422.99 $342.99
Vanguard Alta Pro 283CT 3-Section Carbon Fiber Tripod
$429.99 $349.99
Vanguard Alta+ 264AP Aluminum Alloy Tripod
$178.99 $148.99
Vanguard VEO 204AB Aluminum Tripod with TBH-50 Ball Head
$169.99 $139.99
Vivitar CFT-6200 62in Carbon Fiber Tripod and Monopod
$170.99 $140.99
Lens Cleaning & Care
Precision 5 Piece Lens Cleaning Kit
$39.99 $24.99
Cables, Adapters & Storage Devices
Screen Protectors & Cleaning Kits
HXR-NX5U reborn. With enhanced features like Wi-Fi® file transfer, OLED viewfinder and MI Shoe, the NX5R is a worthy successor. It’s the ideal tool for documentaries and corporate assignments, weddings & events, nature, sports and journalist newsgathering
- Rich color imagery
- Built-in LED lighting
- Networked for high usability
- Wide choice of connections including 3G-SDI
- Multi-Interface (MI) Shoe
- Dual media slots
- Get closer with 40x zoom
- Multi-format recording
- Flexible controls
- Precision monitoring
- Perfect partnership
- Imaging Device: 3-chips 1/2.8 type "Exmor" CMOS Sensor
- Microphone: Omni-directional stereo electret condensermicrophone
- Built-in Optical Filters: OFF: Clear, 1: 1/4ND, 2:1/16ND, 3: 1/64ND
- Effective Picture Elements: Approx. 2.07M
- Gain Selection: -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21,24, 27, 30 dB, AGC
- Minimum Illumination: 50i : 1.0lux(1/25 Shutter Speed,iris/gain Auto) or 60i : 1.2lux(1/30 Shutter Speed, iris/gain Auto)
- Shutter Speed (Time): 1/3 -1/10,000
- Slow & Quick Motion Function: 1080p: Frame rateselectable,50 fps
- Audio Recording:
- XAVC S HD : Linear PCM 2ch, 16bit, 48kHz
- AVCHD: Linear PCM 2ch, 16-bit, 48 kHz / Dolby Digital 2ch, 16-bit, 48 kHz
- DV: Linear PCM 2ch, 16-bit, 48 kHz
- Continuous Operating Time:
- Approx. 240 min. with NP-F770 battery (while recording with LCD, AVCHD 1080/50i or 60i FX)
- Approx. 440 min. with NP-F770 battery (while playing with LCD, AVCHD 1080/50i or 60i FX)
- Dimensions (WxHxD): 7" x 7 7/8" x 15 1/4" (With theaccessories (lens hood, large eyecup), excluding the grip belt and includingthe projecting parts)
- Mass:
- Approx. 4 lb 10 oz (body)
- Approx. 5 lb 8 oz (with lens hood, ,eyecup, NP-F770 battery)
- Operating Temperature: 32°F to 104°F
- Power Consumption:
- Approx. 7.5 W (while recording with viewfinder and AVCHD 1080/50i or 60i FX)
- Approx. 7.8 W (while recording with LCD and AVCHD 1080/50i or 60i FX)
- Power Requirements:
- DC In: 8.4V
- Battery: 7.2 V
- Recording Frame Rate NTSC Mode:
- XAVC S (1920 x 1080)@59.94p, 29.97p, 23.98p, 50 Mbps
- AVCHD (1920 x 1080)@59.94p,PS mode (28 Mbps)
- AVCHD (1920 x 1080)@59.94i/29.97p/23.98p,FX mode (24 Mbps)FH mode(17 Mbps)
- AVCHD (1440 x 1080)@59.94i,HQ mode (9 Mbps) LP mode (5 Mbps)
- AVCHD (1280 x 720)@59.94p,FX mode (24 Mbps)FH mode (17 Mbps) HQ mode (9 Mbps)
- "DV (720 x 576) @59.94i,25 Mbps
- Recording Frame Rate PAL Mode:
- XAVC S (1920 x 1080)@50p, 25p, 50 Mbps
- AVCHD (1920 x 1080)@50p ,PS mode (28 Mbps)
- AVCHD (1920 x 1080)@50i/25p ,FX mode (24 Mbps)FH mode(17 Mbps)
- AVCHD (1440 x 1080)@50i ,HQ mode (9 Mbps) LP mode (5 Mbps)
- AVCHD (1280 x 720)@50p ,FX mode (24 Mbps)FH mode (17 Mbps) HQ mode (9 Mbps)
- "DV (720 x 576) @50i ,25 Mbps
- Recording Media: Memory Stick Pro Duo(TM) andSD/SDHC/SDXC compatible (x1) SD/SDHC/SDXC (x1)
- Recording/Playback Time:
- XAVC S HD@LPCM 2ch 50 Mbps: Approx. 155 min with 64 GB memory card
- AVCHD@LPCM 2ch PS Mode:
- Approx. 290 min with 64 GB memory card
- Approx. 145 min with 32 GB memory card
- AVCHD@LPCM 2ch FX Mode:
- Approx. 340 min with 64 GB memory card
- Approx. 170 min with 32 GB memory card
- AVCHD@LPCM 2ch FH Mode:
- Approx. 450 min with 64 GB memory card
- Approx. 225 min with 32 GB memory card
- DV:
- Approx. 280 min with 64 GB memory card
- Approx. 140 min with 32 GB memory card
- Storage Temperature: -4°F to +140°F
- Video Recording Format:
- XAVC S HD:MPEG4-AVC/H264 4:2:0 Long profile
- AVCHD : MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 AVCHD 2.0 format compatible DV
- Audio In: XLR-type 3-pin (female) (x2), line/mic/mic+48 V selectable
- Audio Out: Stereo mini jack (x1)
- Composite Video Out: BNC (×1), Composite 1.0Vp-p, 75 O
- DC In: DC jack
- Digital Audio/Video Output(s): HDMI connector - Type A(1)
- Earphone: Stereo mini jack (x1)
- Remote: Stereo mini mini jack (x1)
- SDI Out: BNC type (x1), SD/HD/3G(Level-B) selectableSMTPE 259M/292M/424M/425M standards
- USB: Multi/Micro USB jack (x1)
- Lens Mount: Fixed
- Built-in LCD Monitor: 8.8 cm (3.5 type) Approx. 1.56 Mdots.
- Viewfinder: 1.0 cm (0.39 type) OLED Approx. 1.44 M dots
• Brand New Factory Fresh Import Model